Many people in the North Shore wonder if they need to have a lawn fertilizer application applied at the end of the season known as a Winterizer. Since it is applied late in the season, the question becomes is it beneficial to my lawn? And the answer is a resounding YES!
What Is A Winterizer?
The term winterizer has been around for decades and for the most part is a generic term referring to the last fertilizer put down for the season or the late fall fertilizer. It is applied in late fall and designed to help the root system store vital nutrients to use during the winter months and encourage a thick and quick growth and rooting in the spring.
Believe it or not, while your grass stops growing in the winter, the roots continue to develop and expand during those months. Think of it like the fat reserves a bear needs before hibernating in the winter.
When To Apply It!
A winterizer is not meant to encourage the grass to grow in the fall since it is ultimately helping the root system grow down and out. So in the North Shore area it is usually applied in mid to late November or even early December depending on the season. Basically, you want to put it down as the growing season has ended. So, when the lawn stops growing and you put away your lawn mower is usually a good sign it’s now time for your winter fertilizer.
Which Type Of Fertilizer Is It?
For many years the general rule of thumb to use was a low nitrogen fertilizer but high in phosphorus and potassium. Over the year, there have been studies that show having some nitrogen is beneficial for this late fall feeding.
The best kind of turf builder for this time of year will have all three ingredients (the N/P/K that's on the bag) with a quick releasing water soluble nitrogen as opposed to a slow releasing one. There are a lot of different brands with many types of fertilizer blends claiming to be a “winterizer” so if you’re not sure what’s best for you and your lawn, contact a local lawn care professional for guidance.
Ask The Pros
If you're looking for more information on winter fertilizer in the North Shore or are simply ready to speak with someone about your lawn care needs, go to or call 978-769-3595 today!